
Strategy of Investment

Cryptocurrency ////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Strategy of Investment Vivek Nair | Risk Management | 30 th Nov 2017 Thought There is an old saying, “Do not keep all your eggs in the same basket”. Diversification is the key. It is the same strategy followed in the traditional logic from Mutual fund investments. −        Just like there are Big Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap for Mutual funds, we can also categorize Market Capitalization of Cryptocurrencies into Big, Mid and Small. −        Keep this in mind while investing will help us plan better. −        There is no guarantee that a particular cryptocurrency will be successful. −        Also the returns on Investment is different from different Cryptocurrencies 60-20-20 Rule Only the Bitcoin (BTC) is considered the Big Cap (Big Market Capitalization). So, 60% of the investments will need to be in BTC. This is secure investment with decent growth over time. Coins like Ethereum (ETH), Bitc

What is the logic behind the Private key and Public Key of Bitcoin?

In a previous blog post on , I explained that a Bitcoin address consists of two parts: a Private Key and a Public Key. The confusion surrounding these keys often arises from the fact that both are referred to as keys, albeit of different types. This is not accurate. The Private Key is, in fact, the key, while the Public Key is the lock. When choosing a Bitcoin Address on the Bitcoin network, users receive a Private Key (key) and a Public Key (lock) for their use. To receive funds from another user on the Bitcoin Network, users provide their Public key (lock). The sender then uses the Public key (lock) to "lock" the amount of Bitcoin they wish to send. As the Bitcoin Network is open, anyone can see the amount of Bitcoin "locked" by a particular Public Key, but only the user with the Private Key (key) can access and use the funds. The relationship between the Private Key and Public Key is

How can Indians take advantage of international exchanges?

For reference, I will use BTC as the basis of trading. Below is the strategy to trade BTC successfully without downtimes. Buy BTC on Koinex. This purchase will be in INR. Move it to international exchanges like Bittrex or Kraken. All your trading should be on these international exchanges. As the mode of transaction is in US dollars, do not think in INR. Here your intention should be to increase the quantity of your BTC holding. E.g. if you have say 0.5 BTC, over trades your intention should be to increase it to 0.55 or 0.58 or 0.6 BTC. Any reduction (no matter how small) should be taken as a loss and any increments should be taken as profit. Just want to point out that even if you lose some portion of the BTC, you might still be making money but this is due to increase in the value of the BTC rather than your trading acumen. So, all your efforts should be to increase your holding. If you want to better understand how good you are on trading, check the total number BTC that

Trading Cryptocurrency (Specifically Bitcoin) - through Zebpay or Unicoin

Disclaimer: Only invest the money that you can afford to lose. Get in only if you are ready to invest into the cryptocurrency for at least for 6 months. The system is pegged against the trader. There is a difference between the buy and sell price of bitcoins on any exchange. There are additional service charges, GST and other charges on top of it. This is applicable to both the purchase and sale of the cryptocurrency. Due to the condition 3., it will be a loss to run with every fluctuation in the price. Give it a couple of months as there is a lot of volatility in daily and weekly numbers. Trading with an exchange like Zebpay or Unicoin. Open an account with Zebpay or Unicoin type exchanges. Send money to their generic bank account as stated on your (Zebpay or Unicoin ) account. Login to your Zebpay or Unicoin website and provide the transaction number from the transfer to the specific order that you placed with the website. Once the website people verify the tran