What is the logic behind the Private key and Public Key of Bitcoin?

In a previous blog post on https://cryptovivek.blogspot.in/2017/10/trading-cryptocurrency-specifically.html, I explained that a Bitcoin address consists of two parts: a Private Key and a Public Key.

The confusion surrounding these keys often arises from the fact that both are referred to as keys, albeit of different types. This is not accurate.

The Private Key is, in fact, the key, while the Public Key is the lock. When choosing a Bitcoin Address on the Bitcoin network, users receive a Private Key (key) and a Public Key (lock) for their use.

To receive funds from another user on the Bitcoin Network, users provide their Public key (lock). The sender then uses the Public key (lock) to "lock" the amount of Bitcoin they wish to send. As the Bitcoin Network is open, anyone can see the amount of Bitcoin "locked" by a particular Public Key, but only the user with the Private Key (key) can access and use the funds.

The relationship between the Private Key and Public Key is akin to that of a Lock and a Key. However, this relationship is one-way, meaning that while it is possible to calculate the Public key (lock) using the Private Key (key), the reverse is not possible. It is similar to having an address with the Lock printed on the Key. If one has the Key, they know the address of the house it opens, but if they are looking for the Lock, they have no information on the Key's appearance or location.


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